U.S. Health Coalition Calls for Continued Education on Acetaminophen, America’s Most Common Drug Ingredient

WASHINGTON, D.C. — July 31, 2014 – Today’s Consumer Reports story on prescription and non-prescription pain relievers serves as an important reminder for consumers of the importance of taking medicines safely and reinforces the importance of initiatives such as the Acetaminophen Awareness Coalition‘s (AAC) Know Your Dose consumer education campaign. Formed in 2010, the Coalition is a group of leading health, healthcare provider and consumer organizations dedicated to educating consumers on safe acetaminophen use to prevent overdose.

U.S. Health Coalition Releases New Resource on Acetaminophen, America’s Most Common Drug Ingredient

Report Examines Unintentional Acetaminophen Overdose and Success of Consumer Education Efforts

WASHINGTON, D.C. — June 26, 2014 – The Acetaminophen Awareness Coalition (AAC), a coalition of leading health, healthcare provider, and consumer organizations, today released “Acetaminophen: How It’s Used, Preventing Overdose and What We Can Do to Promote Safe Use,” a report and educational resource to drive safe and appropriate use of America’s most common drug ingredient. The coalition’s report reviews the dosing behaviors that can lead to acetaminophen overdose and explores the successful impact of ongoing education campaigns to drive appropriate use and prevent overdose-related liver damage.

U.S. Health Coalition Issues Public Safety Message for Acetaminophen Users

Consumers Are Reminded to Double Check Medicine Labels to Avoid Doubling Up on Acetaminophen as Cold and Flu Season Strikes

Washington, D.C. — Nov 12, 2013 – As cold and flu season kicks into high gear, the Acetaminophen Awareness Coalition (AAC) is issuing a nationwide safety message urging consumers to double check their medicine labels so they don’t double up on medicines that contain acetaminophen when treating winter illnesses.

Ahead of Cold and Flu Season, Health Coalition Issues Medicine Safety Tips

Double Check Medicine Labels, Avoid Doubling Up on Acetaminophen

Washington, DC — Sept 12, 2013 – As consumers start getting flu shots and stocking home medicine cabinets in anticipation of the coming cold and flu season, the Acetaminophen Awareness Coalition (AAC) is issuing a consumer message to “Double Check, Don’t Double Up” on acetaminophen when treating winter illnesses.

National Organizations Unite to Increase Hispanic Community Awareness on Acetaminophen and Medicine Safety

Recent Research Shows Hispanic Community At Risk, New Spanish-language Resources Available

Washington, DC — May 1, 2013 – Today, the National Alliance for Hispanic Health (the Alliance) announced a partnership with the Acetaminophen Awareness Coalition (AAC) to increase awareness among Spanish-speaking consumers on the importance of safe use of medicines that contain acetaminophen.